We provide you the most accurate egg rates in your own city Bishnupur. The price for 1 piece of egg in Bishnupur on 11 December, 2024 is ₹6.9 and ₹207 is charged for a tray and a peti it’s ₹1449. Egg prices in Bishnupur are very nominal if you want to buy 10 pieces of eggs in Bishnupur, you need to pay ₹69.
Most accurate egg prices in Bishnupur are available on todayeggprice.org. Today’s egg price for one dozen eggs in Bishnupur is ₹82.8. Today egg price for 10 eggs is ₹69, and yesterday is was ₹69, which means the rate changed.
In this article, you can check egg prices in Bishnupur daily, today egg price in Bishnupur for 1 tray is ₹207. Today the price in Bishnupur is changed compared to yesterday.
Egg Rates in Bishnupur (11 December, 2024)
Date | One Egg | Tray Eggs | 100 Eggs | Peti |
2024-12-11 | ₹6.9 | ₹207 | ₹690 | ₹1449 |
2024-12-10 | ₹6.9 | ₹207 | ₹690 | ₹1449 |
2024-12-09 | ₹6.9 | ₹207 | ₹690 | ₹1449 |
2024-12-08 | ₹6.9 | ₹207 | ₹690 | ₹1449 |
2024-12-07 | ₹6.9 | ₹207 | ₹690 | ₹1449 |
2024-12-06 | ₹6.9 | ₹207 | ₹690 | ₹1449 |
2024-12-05 | ₹6.9 | ₹207 | ₹690 | ₹1449 |
2024-12-04 | ₹6.85 | ₹205.5 | ₹685 | ₹1438.5 |
2024-12-03 | ₹6.85 | ₹205.5 | ₹685 | ₹1438.5 |
2024-12-02 | ₹6.7 | ₹201 | ₹670 | ₹1407 |
The information provided in the above table about the egg price today in Bishnupur is extracted from the National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC). Egg rates in Bishnupur keep changing by some paisa daily, today egg price in Bishnupur is ₹6.9, and yesterday it was ₹6.9, (changed).
In Bishnupur rates at different markets may differ. Rates of wholesalers (₹6.9), supermarkets (₹4.9), and local shops (₹4.8) may differ. Price of 100 eggs in the wholesale market will be ₹690 and in the retail market it will be ₹480.
We have provided you with the price of eggs in Bishnupur in the above table. You were able to buy 1 peti of eggs yesterday at ₹1449, and today you need to pay ₹1449, which tells that the price for 1 peti in Bishnupur changed. Today egg rates in Bishnupur, for 10 eggs you need to pay ₹69 and for a peti of eggs, you need to pay ₹1449.
Daily Egg price in Bishnupur Market, Wholesale and NECC on 11 December, 2024
NECC Egg Price | Wholesale Egg Price | Retail Egg Price | Supermarket Egg Price |
₹6.9 | ₹6.9 | ₹4.8 | ₹4.9 |
If I simply breakdown the information in the table given above Egg rate according to NECC is ₹69 per 10 pieces, and the egg rate at the supermarket in Bishnupur is ₹49 per 10 pieces. This table will help you to understand prices of eggs in Bishnupur at different marketplaces.
Generally, the egg rate of the market remains slightly high in Bishnupur, today you can get a tray of eggs from a wholesaler at ₹207
and from retailers at ₹144. To be more clear you can see that today's wholesale rate of 10 eggs in Bishnupur is ₹69 and the retail rate for the same egg is ₹48
Egg Price in Different Cities
Delhi | Ahmedabad | Chennai |
Mumbai | Namakkal | Punjab |
Kolkata | Pune | Mysuru |
Vijayawada | Ajmer | Ludhiana |
Raipur | Vizag | Nagpur |
Kanpur | Patna | Allahabad |
Egg Price in Other States
Maharashtra | Bihar | Karnataka |
West Bengal | Madhya Pradesh | Odisha |
Gujarat | Uttar Pradesh | Tamil Nadu |
Rajasthan | Haryana | Full Market price |
Daily Egg Rates on TodayEggPrice.org
TodayEggPrice.org deals with the information on Daily Egg Prices in their city Bishnupur or cities near Bishnupur which today is ₹6.9 per piece. In short, compared to last week, this week an egg price in Bishnupur is changed.
Overall if you want to purchase 1 piece of egg at Bishnupur today, you can get it for ₹6.9 or if you want a dozen eggs, you can get it for ₹82.8.
The rates of eggs in Bishnupur are updated daily. The price of 1 tray of eggs today is ₹207, and yesterday it was ₹207, which means the price changed. Like this, you can see the past 10 days rates, which are updated daily according to the NECC. This means the rates of eggs in Bishnupur available on our website are accurate and trustworthy.
More About Eggs
1 Peti of eggs is currently sold in Bishnupur at the rate of ₹1449.
In short, today egg price in Bishnupur has a rate of ₹1449 per peti. The price of 1 tray of eggs changed from the last week.
We provided you the price list of all quantities of eggs, ₹207 for Tray, ₹1449 for Peti or ₹6.9 for a Single Piece. Compared to last week, this week an egg price is changed. I hope you understood the information on Bishnupur's egg rates.
Today's rates of a single piece of eggs at Bishnupur are ₹6.9, ₹207 per tray and a peti is being sold at the rate of ₹1449.
What is the price of one egg in Bishnupur?
The price of one egg in Bishnupur today is ₹6.9.
What is the price of 30 eggs (Tray) in Bishnupur?
The price of 30 eggs (Tray) in Bishnupur today is ₹207.
What is the Price of 1 Peti eggs in Bishnupur?
The price of 1 Peti egg in Bishnupur today is ₹1449.
What is the rate of 12 eggs in Bishnupur?
The rate of 12 eggs in Bishnupur today is ₹82.8.
Today vs yesterday egg price in Bishnupur?
Compare to yesterday, today an egg price in Bishnupur is same, no change in price.
Today vs last week same day an egg price in Bishnupur?
Compare to last week same day vs today an egg price in Bishnupur is Increased by 5 Paisa.